Banks are liquidated when they face insolvency, the inability to meet their financial obligations, or when their license is withdrawn due to regulatory violations. Liquidation is the process of winding up a bank’s operations, selling its assets, and distributing the proceeds among its creditors and shareholders.

Bank liquidation serves several purposes. First, it helps protect depositors and maintain financial stability by ensuring that insolvent banks do not continue to operate. Second, it provides an orderly process for realizing and distributing the bank’s assets to its creditors and shareholders, maximizing the recovery of their claims. Bank liquidation can impact society in several ways, including the loss of jobs, reduced access to credit, and potential disruptions in the financial system.

The decision to liquidate or penalize a bank depends on the severity of the bank’s problems and the regulator’s assessment of the best course of action. A bank may be penalized if its violations are less severe and can be rectified without posing a systemic risk. In contrast, liquidation is usually the last resort when a bank’s financial condition is beyond repair, and there is no viable option to restore its solvency.

Bank liquidation in the Czech Republic is primarily governed by the Act on Banks (Act No. 21/1992 Coll.), the Insolvency Act (Act No. 182/2006 Coll.), and the Act on the Czech National Bank (Act No. 6/1993 Coll.). These laws provide the legal framework for the liquidation process, including the appointment of a liquidator, the valuation of assets, and the distribution of proceeds.

The Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD) is an EU directive that establishes a common framework for the recovery and resolution of banks in EU member states, including the Czech Republic. The BRRD aims to ensure an orderly resolution of failing banks while minimizing the impact on taxpayers and the financial system. It requires banks to prepare recovery plans and empowers authorities to implement resolution tools, such as the bail-in mechanism, bridge bank, and asset separation tools. The BRRD influences Czech bank liquidation by providing additional resolution options and guiding the implementation of local laws.

Local insolvency regulation in the Czech Republic, primarily governed by the Insolvency Act, establishes the procedures for the declaration of insolvency, the appointment of an insolvency administrator, the valuation of assets, and the distribution of proceeds to creditors. It influences bank liquidation by providing the legal framework for the orderly liquidation of banks, ensuring that creditors’ claims are addressed equitably and efficiently. The Insolvency Act also sets out the priority order of claims, which determines the order in which creditors are paid during the liquidation process.

Before liquidation becomes imminent, the Czech National Bank (CNB) closely monitors the financial condition of banks and may require them to take corrective measures if they are found to be in breach of regulatory requirements. If a bank’s financial condition continues to deteriorate, the CNB may withdraw its license and initiate the liquidation process.

The liquidator, appointed by the CNB, is responsible for valuing the distressed bank’s assets. This process may involve engaging external valuers or auditors to ensure an accurate and fair valuation. Assets may be written down to reflect their current market value or the expected recovery amount. Write-downs can vary depending on factors such as asset quality, market conditions, and the liquidation strategy adopted by the liquidator.

Collecting foreign assets can be challenging due to differences in legal systems, regulatory requirements, and asset recovery processes in various jurisdictions. These challenges can result in delays and increased costs, which can ultimately impact the timeframe and repayment percentages for creditors. In some cases, the liquidator may need to cooperate with foreign authorities or engage local legal counsel to facilitate the recovery of foreign assets.

The liquidator is appointed by the CNB upon the withdrawal of the bank’s license. The liquidator is typically an experienced professional, such as a lawyer or accountant, with expertise in insolvency and asset recovery. They are responsible for overseeing the liquidation process, including the valuation of assets, the sale of assets, and the distribution of proceeds to creditors.

The assets of the bank will be distributed to creditors according to the priority order established by the Insolvency Act. Secured creditors have the highest priority, followed by preferential creditors, unsecured creditors, and finally, shareholders. The liquidator is responsible for ensuring that the distribution of assets is carried out in accordance with the law and that all creditors are treated equitably.

Secured creditors have a security interest in specific assets of the bank and will be paid from the proceeds of the sale of those assets. Unsecured creditors do not have a security interest in the bank’s assets and will be paid from the general pool of available assets after the secured and preferential creditors have been paid. The exact distribution will depend on the size of each creditor’s claim and the value of the assets available for distribution.

The duration of the liquidation process can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the bank’s operations, the valuation and sale of assets, and the recovery of foreign assets. The process can take several months to several years to complete. Creditors can expect to receive payouts as the liquidator sells the bank’s assets and distributes the proceeds. The exact timing of payouts will depend on the progress of the liquidation process and the availability of funds for distribution.